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Out Of Body Experience: Is It Real or Just an Illusion?

Out of body experience explained

Out of body experience (OOBE) has been an insignificant issue from the moment the world has known it, yet it’s more than an ancient method of meditation.

Some plebeians think that it’s easy to be out of your body but they neglect the fact that this method needs some rituals in order to be done thoroughly.

However, practicing these rituals isn’t that smooth, a colossal amount of people mastered them over the years.

Moreover, this populace tended to reach a certain state of mind that allows them to control their life and make it even neater.

Out of body experience rituals

rituals that lead you to a successful experience

These rituals or approaches to OOBE include being on a veggie diet and sticking to some sort of breathing exercises in order to make your mental abilities ready for the unconventional journey.

Also, you need to meditate a lot and schedule this meditation as your own routine. Thus all you need to do to maintain your brain as concentrated as possible is to sustain practicing these must-to-do rituals.

All these previous techniques are for what is called astral projection in which its major experience is the out of body experience.

Therefore the first thing that pops up to anyone’s mind when he hears about this savvy is when he does it, his soul will leave his body to travel wherever he wants.

However, the truth is when you astral travel, your astral body is the one to travel which is substantially different from the spirit.

But why do some people think that it’s a mind-boggling experience?

Whereas it doesn’t mean that it’s not realistic just because not a considerable number of people managed to do it.

Does music really help induce an OOBE?

white noise and OOBE

Music has its own way of unleashing our inner power, hence motivating us to do whatever we set our mind to.

Moreover, choosing the right piece of music or the right frequency is what it takes to induce OOBE.

As a matter of fact, music such as white noise proved that they are way too helpful when it comes to OBEs.

White noise includes some soft frequencies of natural sounds like rain or wind…etc.

However, you should always seek advice before getting exposed to anything to make sure you get everything right while trying to induce an OOBE.

Non-believer’s comments about OOBE

comments of non-believers on every theory

Non-believers always have no proof whether an adventure is authentic or just an illusion like any unproven theory.

And just murmur about their failed experiences to make people afraid of appealing to an expert or even some articles about the most successful techniques that will undoubtedly make them succeed in living the utmost applauding know-how ever.

Yet what we really need is to put in our consideration that every theory is real till the opposite is crystal clear to be down-to-earth and not to be too carping.

Ergo we need to enrich our general knowledge not about this theory and its approaches but about every single theory that grabs our own attention.

So, when it comes to deciding whether this savvy is real or just an illusion, we should think more about what makes the real thing real and what makes it unreal.

What if all the things around us are just mirages and nothing is real at all. Intriguing, huh? It actually is.

It seems unreasonable for one second but after thinking about it, we could end up being non-believers.

Therefore we should not doubt anything until we are sure-enough in order not to allow any inconvenience to happen.

First research, and then decide

knowledge requires a lot of research

To wrap up, everyone is free to decide whether out of body experience is real or not because all points of view are acceptable but the most reasonable one will definitely make it all clear.

So, what we really should do in order to be more prudent is to make a lot of research to ameliorate our knowledge in every field that seems doubtful.

So the next time you feel that you are about to doubt something, go online and search for every detail about what you managed to search for and you are going to be amazed by the results…








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